Sunday, March 15, 2009

Parkside Romp

I stopped by this luscious green park for a quick romp and some bossy lady yelled at me and Mom "No Dogs Allowed!" She was a major bitch and not in a good way like some of us girl dogs are. So I pooped, Mom cleaned it up and we were on our way. That should teach her to be speciest. Dogs and parks are meant for each other, why do people have to be so controlling? Love,Neko


Dandy Duke said...

We're glad you got that poop in, Neko! Good job! Some hoomans can be so cranky!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kirby said...

That is just plain mean. I don't know why some humans are so dumb! I hope you find another lucious green park where you CAN romp and have fun.

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

You are a great, Neko. Pooping on demand.
Next life that woman is a dog!
Hex spell set to start now.
Rufus, the Warlock