Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm Home

Mom picked me up form the hospital yesterday. Mostly I have been napping on my kitchen bed but Mom let me hang out in the front yard for a while with her to do some watering today. She says as long as I stay low key I am able to have a little supervised outdoor time,it helps with my depression. I am told that other Mom and Ian will be home late tonight but I am having a hard time conceptualizing this, I'll believe it when I smell it. Thanks for all of the Airezen. Love,Neko


Duke said...

It's great to see you up and outside, Neko! We continue to send you lots of AireZen!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

julee said...

Looking Good Neko....I'm sure you'll be feeling better since your home.
Thinking of you.

The Thuglets said...

Neko..welcome home. It's brillo paws to see you home.

Take it very easy on the recovery.

Lots of pawsative thoughts!

BIG nose pokes
The Thugletsx

Inky and Molly said...

Oh honey, it's good to see you walking!