Bogart sent me thee most delicious treats ever. I have received so little mail in my few years, that was exciting enough and once I smelled it I almost chewed a hole in the envelope. The chicken strips are great, my Mom's stopped giving me chicken jerky because they searched and could not find any chicken jerky not made in China after the scare a few months ago about contamination.But glorious chicken was only a prelude to the heart, el corazon where have you been all of my life. Yum! My new favorite. Mom has been trying to get me to leave the kitchen where the jerky is on the counter but I figure if sit really good they will come back and feed me more. I am putting my face as close to the computer as I can to give Bogart a kiss. Bogart you are truly a humanitarian bringing treats and pine cones to those in need world wide. Thank You Thank You Thank You. Love,Neko
You mean you haven't just grabbed it from the counter Neko? Come on girl, get surfing!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Bogart gave us the recipe and now we can make our own. We can't receive doggy treats because of our quarantine laws.
Hugs and tail wags
Isn't Bogart just the best? Loved me jerky!!!
Your pal,
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