I learned that Spring still rules especially when I get to help in the garden. That I happen to love strawberries (who knew?). And that after we play I have my own personal watch dog while I nap. Love,Neko
I met these two Welsh Terriers Carly and Max at the park today. I thought at first that maybe their bath was too warm and they shrunk, maybe puppies, they don't smell like puppies. They are cute and really sweet. Mom said they were Mini Me's. Great to meet you two Mini Me's. Love, Neko
Having a puppy is great and Moms say I seem to be sleeping a lot more. Roma has here own blog, I will add it under dog blogs so you can check her out. Love,Neko
My uncles got a puppy named Roma this week. As some of you may know, their dog and my best friend Bella http://squirmychronicles.blogspot.com passed away last year. As you can imagine I have been an only dog since then and missing my precious Bella so when Roma showed up I thought a week of the old cold shoulder would do her some good. I have finally decided that it is okay to start welcoming her into our pack. Our friend Babe the Boston Terrier and I took her to the dog park today. Love,Neko
Yesterday I went to the groomer and they shaved me down for Spring. On the way home we were driving by the Marina Green and once I got a look at that grass I knew I had to stop and run, Mom agreed. I met a new friend who loved to chase and play named Charlie. She seems to be a Chesapeake Bay Retriever/Terrier mix and way cute. Thanks for the romp Charlie, you are very lucky to have such a dedicated dog sitter. Love,Neko
My uncle Hugh had an art show in Bolinas (www.hughshurley.com) so a bunch of us rented a house for the weekend. We spent most of our time on the patio for obvious reasons. I did step out for walks on the beach and a bite at the Pine Cone Diner.
My Mom who works in an office just changed jobs and they threw her a goodbye at her old job. My very close friend who Mom used to work with (one of my favorite humans named Sonia) made this cake for the occasion. This is just the top tier and if you ask me the best one. Doesn't it look just like me? Sonia you are the best. Love,Neko